Cyware – Cyber Situational Awareness

Cyware Enterprise – Detect, Report and Secure!

Ramp up your cyber situational awareness to Gold Standard with Cyware Enterprise Solutions. Enhancing cyber situational awareness and real-time sharing of intelligence and incident data to enable proactive identification and mitigation of potential threats.


Cyware – Cyber Situational Awareness

Detect, Report and Secure!

Finally, a platform that promotes a relevant, priority-focused, role-based communication and breaks down walls between teams, processes, and technology to establish a singular view of threats, and increase the speed of action. Cyware Enterprise leverages machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of cyber situational updates, advisories, and alerts based on the recipient’s role and location.  Ramp up your organizational security posture to Gold Standard with Cyware Enterprise Solutions.


Learn how the cyber threat landscape has become more complex.

What is CSA?

How can a company leverage it to Secure Human Endpoints?

Cyware Enterprise System

Leverage the power of Human Intelligence to your existing security architecture

The Platform

Find out traits of the platform that will help in real world applications.

Cyware Enterprise is a 24/7, online, collaborative situational awareness and information-sharing platform to increase awareness of the evolving cyber threat landscape.

Move away from reactionary, event-based strategies towards a proactive, intelligence-led security communication approach!

Cyber Situational Awareness Overview

Cyber Situational Awareness is a time-tested weapon and mobile devices have offered a direction. Dissemination of situational awareness over smartphones is emerging as the next-generation modus operandi for tackling cyber threats. A unique feature of synchronizing Cyber Situational Awareness and Incident Reporting over mobile devices is the increase in employee awareness and engagement with organizational security architecture.

Complex Threat Landscape

Cyber threat landscape has become complex with unprecedented threat diversity, volume, and velocity.

Aware Deficit

Unaware employees, third-party vendors and contractors provide easy-to-penetrate attack surface resulting in breaches and loss of sensitive data.

Innovative Hackers

Hackers continuously innovate and improvise new attack patterns making it difficult for machines to detect.

High Response Time

Incident and Intelligence reporting does not occur in real-time due to lack of effective delivery channels in mobile environment.
It’s time for vulnerabilities to be managed at both the ends – technical and human and the employees take an additional charge of being eyes and ears for the organizational cyber security apparatus. Turn your employees into Human Sensors by giving them the right tool to report suspicious incidents in real-time, reducing the dwell detection time.
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situational awareness
What is Cyber Situational Awareness (CSA)?
How can a company leverage it to Secure Human Endpoints


Identification of key threat elements is pre-requisite for threat modeling. CSA allows you to identify apparent and oblivious threat vectors.


Understanding threat elements in cyberspace is quint-essential in gauging the gravity of threat and calculating cyber risk. CSA empowers you to meaningfully comprehend the scope and nature of threat elements.


After comprehension of threat elements, response is must. CSA channelizes your response by guiding with direction and making it more impactful and effective.


The multitude of threats and threat actors requires timely awareness and response. CSA is accelerated information that prepares you for nipping the threat in the bud.


An organization should be in a strategic position against Threat Actors. CSA enables you to launch pre-emptive cyber strikes or prepare counter strategy.


Awareness should be sharable to make it contagious. CSA can be readily shared with concerned person or position from different roles such as leadership, management, Operations Security or General Employees.
Cyware Enterprise System (CES)
Cyware Enterprise System (CES) works by inculcating Perception, Comprehension and Projection elements of Cyber Situational Awareness in organizational security mindset. It leverages the power of Human Intelligence and acts as a Force Multiplier to your existing industry grade security architecture thereby making your investment smart, sharp and meaningful.

With CES you can share cyber threat briefs, alerts, cyber best practices, and notifications about malware, phishing attacks, and security incidents to select employees or all employees in real-time, thereby keeping them informed and optimizing individual cyber hygiene and transforming organizational security culture. Cyware is also revolutionizing the concept of real-time threat incident reporting or intelligence sharing by enabling direct reporting to organization’s CERT or Cyber Intelligence teams, thereby significantly reducing detection dwell time.



Augment your Security Operations with Real-Time Cyber Situational Awareness


Identify Suspicious Cyber Incidents and Malicious Activites and Eliminate the Cyber Threats


Issue Cyber Alerts, Messages, Notifications, Best Practices, and Threat Briefs to Employees


Consolidate your Security Preparedness by Integrating Cyware with Standard Industry Response Tools


Report Suspicious Cyber Incidents to Security Operations Team and Reduce Dwell Time to Seconds


Enhance Employee-Employer Engagement. Induce Cyber Hygiene. Improve Security Culture
The Platform
Situational Awareness
Inculcate real-time Cyber Situational Awareness in employees
Report Incidents
Enable proactive identification and mitigation of potential threats through sharing of suspicious incidents
Force Multiplier
Leverage the power of human intelligence. Make your employees your eyes and ears
Real-Time Delivery
Issue alerts, notifications, best practices, and cyber threat briefs in real-time
Easy Integration
Integrate with Industry standard tools and Incident Response (IR) platforms
Import and export threat data in STIX format and share using TAXII
Multi-File Support
Attach audio, videos and images while reporting suspicious incidents
Knowledge Check
Assess cyber awareness level of your employees. Develop employee risk profile